Hey Foapers! Our app makes it easy to book medications at any nearby pharmacy. One of our brand's mottos is "I find all medications without tricks," and we're on the lookout for a photo that embodies this concept.
Here's the challenge for you! Strive to recreate the example photo as faithfully as you can.
The primary goal is to feature a skater (with a skateboard or a helmet) who is around 25-35 years old, captured from a similar perspective (from the ground up), with a dash of rebellious flair in their facial expression. The colors should be vibrant, and the background should be clear and light.
⭐️The photo should be focused on the face of the person, while keeping the skateboard in the frame
⭐️ The person in the photo should not have visible tattoos
⭐️Use plain background if possible - sky is great!