Video Mission

1 VideosSuccesfully ended2024-05-02 Ends at

About this mission

We're searching for footage to create the following spot:

Show places we love (parks, playgrounds, campsites, trails, homes, businesses) before and after they’ve been destroyed by an extreme weather event -- specifically floods, wildfires, droughts or storms.
To do that, we're on the hunt for footage from 2023 or 2024 that show a clear, one-to-one before/after of the impact of extreme weather in the United States. An example of a recent event could be February's Texas Wildfires. Ideally, these places are permanently impacted. Our audience resonates best when seeing real people in the shot. If possible, let’s include as many people/faces in the footage as we can.

Separately, we're looking for the “after” shots that come later in the piece. We're looking for footage that leaves a strong impression, a bit more of a gut punch on how precious these places are, and how sad we'd be to see another one go. Please note that you don't need to submit an "after" shot with your "before" - these are working independently!

Mission rules

- Footage that leaves a strong impression, a bit more of a gut punch on how precious these places are, and how sad we'd be to see another one go

- You don't need to submit an "after" shot with your "before" - these are working independently!

- Minimum video resolution: 480p

- Video Orientation: Any

- USA submissions only