Case Study:

UGC for social media and marketing purposes from brand lovers

binders flower studying desk home notes five star branded UGC contentbinders purple green flay-lay homework ping girl branded UGC contentgirl smiling pink lipstick holding binder blue school college branded UGC contentmexican girl reading studying school smiling lipstick holding binder blue school college branded UGC contentgirl studying bed pencil writing notes holding binder blue school college branded UGC contentgirls college friends break recess outside school studying notes binders blue pink girl smiling lipstick holding binder blue school college branded UGC content five stargirl smiling holding binder notes school wall red green smile blonde hair hands portrait natural

Five Star needed images of their notebooks, backpacks, binders, and other school and office accessories before some of them even went on shelves at stores across USA.


We launched Foap Missions to collect pictures of every product. With the help of Foap’s Creative Team, Five Star chose their favourite photographers and sent the product to them which ensured the highest quality of the content.


Five Star received authentic and tailored UGC. For them it was a more creative, more cost-effective and faster way of sourcing images than a traditional photo shoot.

natural smile real girl smiling holding binder notes school branded UGC content shirt stripes