Best friends are the best therapy..

Best friends are the best therapy..

Photo by viru142

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Woman, Sexy, Beautiful, Girl, PrettyBeautiful sunlit silhouette of sweet, 8-year old, curly-haired Molly in her tutu.Nearly 8 years old, a perfect sunset silhouette of Molly stands tall and proud, happily and anxiously awaiting the dawning of her new age.A beautiful 5-year-old, Molly, playing in her swimming pool on a red floatie- while rocking THE CUTEST little strawberry swim-set ever !!schoolsuppliesyoung adult white female or stoner chick (gray eyes red lips) in revealing clothes with a plaid flannel, a beanie surrounding golden brown blond curls, with red lips smoking the end of a marijuana blunt while holding a lit Bic lighter.Molly (8) year old girl in her polar bear jammies on her momma's shoulders hanging ornaments high up on the colorfully lit Christmas tree.Two cousins, both country girls, younger than 10 years of age - one teaches the other how to shoot her pink Daisy BB gun and conducts target practice.Card, Invitation, Greeting, Birthday, FlowerTwo best friends -after being divided by miles, rather than by color- finally reunited and captured sharing in a most heart-warming, beautiful, and empowering hug.Barbie and her baby daddy's couple's shoot, in the final trimester of her pregnancy.Cousins, Molly (8) & Madison (6) playing in the backyard on the fall grass. Two happy, healthy, active children pictured during a game of "tag."In her tutu, jumping on her trampoline,  precious 8-year-old Molly takes to the sky in another breath-taking sunset silhouette shot. I think, personally, she jumped into the shape of a heart in this photo (her head & tutu being the topđź–¤)Cousins, Molly (8) & Madison (6) running on the fall grass while playing "tag" in the backyard.Molly, a happy & glowing 7 year old, stands proudly during 'Golden Hour' to declare her upcoming dawning of the age of 8. Hands and tutu, both on her hips; curls and pride, both cascading her shoulders.My husband is spoiled; after his every shower he gets a full body "rub down"- Nivea plays a key part in areas as sensitive as his wittle booty. Henceforth, I've orchestrated for my hubby bum to show some Nivea Love, as pictured.No Person, Mammal, One, Cat, FoodThin, long-legged All-American girl poses in a tutu on the front bumper of a classic truck.