Stora teatern Gothenburg

Stora teatern Gothenburg

Photo by ingelad

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Stock photo: Stora teatern Gothenburg was taken by ingelad .

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A self portrait in the glaring lights of the lanterns underneath the Pulaski Bridge in Long Island City. Queens, New York. Photo October 2020. Hypnotic ProductionsA crossed street sign warning of a “CROSSING” by the train tracks underneath the Pulaski Bridge late at night with an impressive multicolored neon light display in the background. Photo October 2020. Hypnotic ProductionsBefore we outfitted our sailboat with all the ammenities we spent our first nights and evenings aboard having long talks by candlelight. It’s more romantic that way some people say. Photo from August 2017. Hypnotic ProductionsThe illuminated Empire State Building as seen from aboard the “Salvation” our sailboat in Newtown Creek, Long Island City, Queens, NY. The white hutch cover appears blue in the twilight of dusk and nightfall. Photo from 2018. Hypnotic ProductionsAboard our sailboat, the “Salvation” late at night viewing the waters of the East River at Newtown Creek, Long Island City, Queens, New York and the illuminated cityscape in the far distance reflecting in it. Photo 2018. Hypnotic ProductionsThe East River at Newtown Creek in Long Island City, Queens, NY seen from our sailboat, the “Salvation” one evening in 2018. The setting sun is casting reflections in the water. Hypnotic ProductionsView of the illuminated railing of the terrace of the elite home on Pierrepoint Place in Brooklyn, NY and the lights of Manhattan at night in the distance. Photo was taken in September 2017. Hypnotic ProductionsDinner party in 2017 at an elite home on Pierrepoint Place in Bklyn, NY with magnificent views from the balconies. Reflecting in the window the Manhattan skyline with Empire State while the guests can be seen through the glass. Hypnotic ProductionsA corner of the illuminated metal railing of the luxury home’s terrace high up so the view is truly magnificent reaching far into the distance. Manhattan can be seen from here and parts of Brooklyn. 2017. Hypnotic ProductionsSunset over the boats in Newtown Creek in Long Island City, Queens, NY as seen from inside our vessel, the “Salvation”. This picture was taken in the Spring of 2019. Hypnotic ProductionsThe sun has set over Newtown Creek in Long Island City, Queens, NY and the night is near. This picture was taken in the Spring of 2019. Hypnotic ProductionsFrom our sailboat, the “Salvation” we took this picture of the sunset over Newtown Creek in Long Island City, Queens, NY. In the far distance you can see the Manhattan skyline and the Empire State Building. 2018. Hypnotic ProductionsFrom inside the Salvation, our sailboat in Newtown Creek, Long Island City, Queens, New York you can see the waters of the East River and the shore on the other side. The sunlight is reflecting on the waves. Photo from 2018. Hypnotic ProductionsA beautiful scene in Newtown Creek of LIC, Queens, NY right after sunset at twilight time. Sailboats and motorboats are in the foreground whereas in the far distance Manhattan and parts of Queens can be seen. 2018 Hypnotic ProductionsWe’re at 1040 Borden Avenue, traffic light to the right looking towards the buildings in the distance. The evening sun is refracting against the clouds in the sky and causing lens flares. 2020. Hypnotic ProductionsA beautiful view of Newtown Creek, LIC, Queens with its boats and of the Pulaski Bridge. In the far distance you can see the Empire State Building in Manhattan and various buildings in either Queens or Manhattan. 2019. Hypnotic ProductionsLong Island City, Queens, NY during the golden hour of dusk in 2018. The buildings illuminated by the setting sun gleam gold, orange to red and those in the shade are purple to blue, a portent of the approaching twilight. Hypnotic ProductionsAnother unusual photograph from 2018 of the full moon in the night sky over Long Island City, Queens, NY. The moon appears as if resting in a “cradle” made up of mist and clouds. Hypnotic ProductionsA Forest Gre, Bklyn brownstone around Fulton St with a side tower with colored decorations and a steeple rooftop. Many such buildings are in the area styled as if from a bygone era, 2019. Hypnotic ProductionsTrain tracks and bright yellow and blue trains approaching on MTA grounds one crosses over regularly to ascend the pedestrian way onto the Pulaski Bridge for example using the staircase. 2021. Hypnotic Productions