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Born creative who rejoices in color and contrast.
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Mission photos
Chopping onions. I was chopping onions and noticed that my mascara revealed a single tear. added some filters too.
Color Festival. This was taken at the 2014 Seattle Color Festival
Hummingbird Paradise. This was taken at my grandparent's house, early spring. It's situated right outside their kitchen window so they can look upon the many hummingbirds that visit.
Roses. A bouquet of two dozen roses my fiance gave me when I came home from california.
Quiet Lake. Thus was taken at my family's cabin on the Hood Canal in Washington State. It's the early morning when the crabbing boats begin to start their day.
Christmas Kitty. This was at my parents house during christmas. Their cats are very expressive and manage to stay still long enough to take an artsy picture.
Easter. My mom and I were dying easter eggs!
Wedding stamps. Buying stamps for my wedding
Ocean Shores. This was taken at sunset at Ocean Shores, Oregon.
The Best sushi. on a trip to San Francisco, a friend and I stopped in to a restaurant in Berkeley and had the most amazing sushi.
Roses on a table. These roses were given to me by my fiance and are sitting atop a table passed down to me by my mother.
Vintage Paint Set. This belongs to my grandmother and was passed on to me. It is gently used and comes with a long story on how it was bought. I'll never use it and keep it with me for the memories.
Green house. This was taken on a trip to San Francisco California
Beach Cabin. Our families beach cabin. This arrangement is by the fireplace inside.
Roses. These were given to me by my fiance
Booze. I discovered this on a recent trip to an Irish Pub. I ordered Fernet but they recommended thus for a change.
Juice. This was a very tasty juice I blended myself.
Sleeping Cat. relaxing one evening and couldn't help but snap a pic of my boy kitty Tom.
Engagement Ring. Went on a hike to Wallace Falls in Washington State and snapped this picture.
NW Sunset. hometown of kirkland, Washington on a summer night
Cocktail. Went to a local, well-known bar in Seattle and asked for a shrub cocktail.
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