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tea pavillion. A pavillion in the hangzhou tea plantation, China
A macro portrait of a bee collecting yellow pollen in its tiny hair on its legs to create honey.
A portrait of a yellow and orange spannish daisy flower standing in between the green of the garden.
A portrait of a blade of grass full of water drops. the raindrops are circle shaped.
A portrait of a group of yellow daffodils in the sunlight of a sunset. the flowers are well separated from the blurry background.
A portrait of the back of a red oldtimer vintage ford mustang american mustle car.
A macro portait of a sunlit purple crocus flower. the petals of the flower are full of light and the pistils cast a shadow from on them from the inside.
A Portrait of a red poppy flower standing tall between tall grass during golden hour on a summer day.
A portrait of bluebell or grape hyacinth flowers standing in the tall green grass of a garden.
A macro portrait of multiple water droplets hanging from a blade of grass with in each droplet a reflection of a yellow fall colored leaf. the leaf gives the blurry orange background.
A portrait of a flying bird of prey looking straight into the camera. the buzzard has its wings wide open and is soaring through the air.
A portrait of forget me not flower or otherwise called Scorpion grass or myosotis standing a garden in coming out of a dark place between some green leaves.
a Portrait of a red frozen Japanese quince flower during golden hour in the morning.
a colorful Portrait of a yellow and black striped bee collecting pollen on a flower. the insect is a collector.
A colorful summer portrait of a yellow and red flower between a lot of the same coreopsis flowers.
A macro portrait of a purple aster flower covered in water dew drops in early morning sunlight.
a portrait of a row of young ducklings walking behind the mother duck in tall grass.
A portrait of two blue tit birds sitting perched on a branch of a tree in between the leaves.
a macro portrait of a blue bell hyacinth flower standing in a garden during springtime inbetween others of its kind.
A macro portrait of water droplets on a blade of grass the drops where caused by the morning dew.
A portrait of a cluster of white blossoms on a branch of a bush during springtime. the shallow depth of field creates a great effect of depth.
a portrait of yellow daisies standing in a garden on a sunny summersday.
A close up portrait of a purple crocus flower full of rain drops standing in a grass lawn of a garden in the sunlight.
a portrait of a buzzard flying through the air scouting for food above a forest. the bird of prey has its wines wilde open.
a close up portrait of a blue grape hyacinth flower in a grass lawn of a garden during an overcast day.
A artsy stylish portrait of a yellow daffodil flower touching the still surface of water, which almost reflects the flower like a perfect mirror
A portrait of some yellow easter daffodil flowers with great yellow bokeh effect due to other out of focus daffodils.
A portrait of a robin sitting on the ground scavaging for food between the grass in a forest.
a close up macro portrait of a honey bee gathering pollen. the little insect is already covered in small pollen particles.
a macro portrait of a blue bell flower with a blue blurry background made by others of its kind in a garden.
A portrait of a small daisy standing in a grass lawn of a garden. the shallow depth of field blurs the grass to an ocean of green around the bright yellow and white flower.
A macro portrait of a bee collecting the pollen from the core of a purple echinacea purpurea coneflower also known as the magnus superior flower.
A colorful and scenic portrait of some purple lavender from a bush during a sunset.
A portrait of a hand with a red glove of a person holding a lens ball up in a forest. the glass ball distorts the trees
A macro portrait of a dew drop hanging from a blade of grass. the pencils positioned behind it are reflected in the water droplet and are blurred into a rainbow due to the shallow depth of field.
A close up portrait of a daisy standing in a grass lawn of a garden during a sunny day. there is a blade of grass touching the flower.
A portrait of a brown squirrel sitting hidden in the green leaves of some ivy on the ground hoping not to get discovered.
a black and white close up portrait of a black shitzu dog´s face.
A portrait of white daffodils with a yellow core standing above eachother in a row. the flowers are getting hit by a ray of sunlight and have a blue sky with some clouds as a background.
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