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Amateur nature/travel photography
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Mission photos
A white American bulldog curls up for a nap on the couch.
A large pine tree missing branches due to trimming.
A red squirrel chews on an acorn in Maine on a sunny Spring evening.
The sun peaking over storm clouds in spring.
Water drips from branches, landing in the river, causing ripples in the tree’s reflection.
A bright and overcast night sky hides the moon, but creates a halo behind the shadowed trees.
A broken tree in a forest on a foggy day
A giant fir tree on a clear day with an airplane flying overhead.
Storm clouds part for the sun to shine through in Spring.
A college building’s entrance - a stone archway.
A clear blue sky on a sunny summers day with a picnic table overlooking a lake in Maine.
A college chemistry building’s entryway at the University of Maine.
A monochromatic daffodil in a Maine garden during Spring.
A double brick archway on a college campus looks into the courtyard.
Wood siding
An edited photo of sun hitting a textured orange table.
A hooded hiker with walking stick casts shadow on forest floor; monochromatic.
A deep pink heart-shaped rose with a black background.
A large trimmed pine tree stretches its branches on a cloudy day.
A brick archway connects to a brick building on college campus.
Looking into the light through a green bottle.
Early nightfall showcasing the last of a sunset alongside the moon and stars over the tree line.
A large boulder shaped like a seat, with bands of color.
An April Fools mug of green T 😆
Pine and fir trees reaching into the blue sky on a sunny winter day in Maine.
A dark brown leather couch cushion catches the light.
An outdoor winter decoration with ornaments and Christmas lights during the day.
Distressed wood appearance on wall panels.
A tan study lobby area at college.
A macro shot of ice bubbles on a wooden platform.
A knot on a wooden plank creates the illusion of a hole or tunnel in black and white.
A brick bordered stairwell of a college building; monochromatic.
Antique tea and sugar containers on a picnic basket 🧺
A heart-shaped cloud floats in a blue sky above a forest of pine trees on a Summer day in Maine.
Glass sculpture holding water and reflecting colors.
Wooden wall panels with a shadow cast over them.
When the sky looks like a painting… A half moon in the distant cloudy sky, with sunlit trees casting shadow in the foreground.
A fallen maple leaf 🍁
Looking through a window into the courtyard at college in early Spring.
Sun setting through the trees in Maine during winter
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