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Young giraffe and his mother
Facial portrait of a snow leopard.
Joey looks out on the world from the security of his mother’s pouch.
Bodiam Castle, Bodiam, East Sussex, England. On a perfect summer’s day.
Portrait of a Snowy Egret.
Head only side profile portrait of a Black Swan.
A proud peacock showing off his mating display.
Head only side profile portrait of a sad looking black swan.
A yawning baboon reveals his fearsome teeth.
The last supper. A Little Blue Heron on a Florida Lake, silhouetted against the setting sun as it hunts for it’s last meal of the day.
Close-up of monarch butterfly on yellow flower
The coiled tail of an Iguana.
Eye to eye with an awesome white tiger.
A young alligator resting on a rock.
Portrait of a Bat-Eared Fox.
A close up head-only portrait of a Grey Crowned Crane.
Owl portrait - light adjusted version.
Close-up of a tiger on water
Macro shot of a colourful beetle on a bed of moss.
Portrait of a Grey Heron beside an autumnal pond.
Look left, look right, look straight ahead. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a gator sandwich.
Facial portrait of a North American Diamond Backed Rattlesnake.
Side profile head only portrait of an Eastern White Pelican.
Bad hair day. A facial portrait of a male Orangutan.
Things that make you say “aaaahhh”!
A portrait of an over tired white tiger. Don't mess with him!
Facial portrait of a Green Boa Constrictor snake.
Once Bittern, twice shy. The elusive Bittern which is now endangered in many areas.
A peacock proudly showing off his mating display.
Portrait of a Great Egret on it’s nest, with three cobalt blue eggs.
Wolf double take.
A Great Egret in full display mode.
Peek-a-boo Ibex two. Portrait of an Ibex - or is it? Count the horns and count the feet!
Facial portrait of the lion king.
The courtship display of a Great Egret in Florida.
Portrait of a Victoria Crowned Pigeon.
Portrait of a Night Heron.
Facial portrait of a Red Panda.
Close up portrait of a flamingo sleeping.
Portrait of a Snowy Egret.
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