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Goan hawk Eagle soaring high in the sky with full wingspan on display
Light creating beautiful pattern on a compound leaf. This picture describes the color palette and art that nature has to offer.
A surreal moment captured as the sun seems like an orange ball disappearing into the thin air above the horizon... At the same time colouring the sky in beautiful hues... Providing us with a moment of peaceful calm
A white crane captured mid flight showcasing its wingspan... Standing out in the dark background... Giving off vibes of pure elegance and serenity
A parakeet pecking on a pea pod
A Eurasian hoopoe perched on a tree grooming itself... Giving us a peek of it's magnificent colours... On the backdrop of colourful fall pallete
A withered leaf refusing to fall from the tree... Creating a beautiful pattern with cobwebs and sunlight... A proof of graceful ageing in nature
A white crane captured mid flight showcasing its wingspan, standing out in the dark background , giving off vibes of its pure elegance and serenity
Silhouette of leaves and branches in the night sky... Appear to be holding the moon like a lamp...
A solitary wild flower blooming with a lush green background on a summer morning...
An Indian owlet with her young one captured in utmost beauty looking straight into the camera and unleashing her firey eyes
Sun filtering out from foliage of bougainvillea flowers... Depicting true essence of nature in spring
As the sun goes down towards the sea it leaves a trail of golden path over the water and a vibrant colour palette over the sky above
A spider resting in the midst of its creation... As if taking pride in the beautiful wreath with shining dew drops that he has created... On the backdrop of beautiful bokeh created by the filtering of light through the canopy...
A pleasant reminder of life before quarantine where we could get together over a cup of coffee and share our thoughts and ideas with each other. Top view of coffee mugs over a green background
Light fanning out from behind a cloud in an afternoon sky creating a wonderful visual
A pair of ring necked parakeets canoodling with each other on a bright summer morning which marks the onset of their mating season
Lounging around the pool with friends, just laughing and sharing stories , is one of the underrated but best experiences in life
A heart painted in air using a sparkler duri g celebrations of diwali
A bunch of flowers captured during full bloom during spring... This picture aims to capture a standout color while keeping the picture mostly monochromatic
Plantains in their natural habitual... Hanging from the tree with the flower intact... Just about to ripen in the warm spring climate..
A silhouette of me introspecting on tne backdrop of a gorgeous sunset painting the sky in various hues of lavender and golden...
Tge light filters out informing a tyndall effect and creates interesting shadows in the forest canopy
A pair of owlets looking directly into the camera showcasing their enchanting eyes and earth toned feathers
A parrot perched on a flimsy branch pecking on a pea pod on a beautiful summer morning
A flower in full bloom showcasing its colourful stamens on a background of lush greenery
A pair of parrots perched on a tree engaging in a loving gaze... On the backdrop of a warm spring morning... Different shades of green fill up the picture...
Hair flowing, wind blowing, and a long road ahead... This picture gives all the feels of an epic road trip
Dew drops on a spider web forming an enchanting wreath... With the droplets shining with light reflections... With a dreamy bokeh background
Touch me not leaves stand vertical towards the sun allowing beautiful patterns and shadows to be formed
Sparklers painting a star in air adding a much need glow to festival of diwali
An erget mid flight with is pure white feathers against the stark black background of the rainforest
A solitary wildflower with pure white petals in full bloom against the backdrop of lush green grassland
Touch me not leaves stand vertical towards the sun allowing beautiful patterns and shadows to be formed
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