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Macro Photo: Fern Sprout. Foto Macro: Broto de Samambaia
Em qualquer Canto você encontra o Encanto da Natureza!! In any corner you will find the Enchantment of Nature!!
Glass jar with spaghetti
The lake waters embrace the colors of love. As águas do lago abraçam as cores do amor.
Grumpy, filthy, rude omelet. But your destiny is already set: to satisfy my hunger 😄 Omelete rabugento, porcalhão e mal educado. Mas seu destino já está definido: sacear minha fome 😄
Shopkeeper, to draw attention, placed on the sidewalk in front of the store, a mannequin with two balloons tied to his arm and a huge purple vase. In the background image of the photographer who is posting this image, reflected in the glass door.
Green salad with chickpeas, red beans and red onion. Healthy and delicious! Salada verde com grão de bico,feijões vermelhos e cebola roxa.Saudável e deliciosa!
Eiffel Tower souvenir. B&W image with focus on base and shadows. Lembrança da Torre Eiffel. Imagem P&B com foco na base e sombras.
Multiverse: Urban Landscape. In the background, a sequence of telecommunication towers, trees and lampposts reflecting the lights on the lake. The front is a sequence of vegetation by the lake.
blooming flower
As it doesn't snow in Brazil, we don't have ice or snow for winter sports. The solution was to build an artificial ski slope. In the photo, two children in front and in the back, artificial ski slope, cable car and skiers practicing the sport.
Bunch of Wisteria. Cacho de Glicínia.
Caterpillar climbing a succulent
Thumbnails: Ferrari Formula 1 car.
insect: ant
Eiffel Tower souvenir. Image with focus on base and shadows.
Barracuda Networks, Inc. is a company that provides security, network and storage products based on network devices and cloud services.
The Insects of my garden: Phytophagous Bedbug, the one that feeds on plants. Os Insetos do meu jardim: Percevejo Fitófago, aquele que se alimenta de plantas.
Macro Image: Spider Imagem Macro: Aranha
Landscape with beautiful Rainbow and clouds with pink and purple tones, contrasting with the blue sky. Paisagem com lindo Arco-íris e nuvens com tonalidades rosa e roxo, contrastando com o céu azul.
The water soothes me and hydrates my soul. Diving washes the soul and heart, so Dive into what makes you want, because life doesn't wait for you.
Vegetable farofa, accompanied by white rice and green salad. Healthy and delicious food. Farofa de legumes, Acompanhado de arroz branco e salada verde. Alimentação Saudável e deliciosa.
S. actinophylla is a plant, also known as: umbrella tree, octopus tree, brassaia, cheflerão. It produces clusters of up to 2 meters (6.5 feet) in length, containing up to 1,000 small, dull red flowers.
B&W portrait with grainy effect.
Sea turtle eating crab. Tartaruga marinha se alimentando de caranguejo.
As Flores de Cactos são muito mais belas do que as pequenas florezinhas artificiais que costumamos encontrar. São grandes, vistosas e podem apresentar uma grande variedade de formas e cores, tais como branco, rosado, amarelo, laranja e vermelho
Euphorbia lactea: Succulent that has the ability to store water in its tissues.
Photo of Red Beans with reflection on the glass table. Foto de Feijão Vermelho com reflexo na mesa de vidro.
Girl lying on Purple Pilates Ball. Garota deitada em Bola de Pilates de cor Roxo.
Several bees feed on the sap of the cactus flower
Nature's whims
Vocês sabem o que são Liquens? Esta forma de vida lembra as plantas por sua forma e seu habitat: líquens moram em árvores, gramados, florestas e vários tipos de terrenos. Os líquens são criados através de uma simbiose formada por um fungo ou alga.
Whoever changes paths, see unexpected landscapes.
Landscape with beautiful Rainbow and clouds with pink and purple tones, contrasting with the blue sky. Paisagem com lindo Arco-íris e nuvens com tonalidade rosa e roxo, contrastando com o céu azul.
The beautiful beaches of Brazil: Guarujá, coastal city located in the State of São Paulo.
Raindrop on the leaf.
Beautiful formation of trees with trunks and branches intertwined, next to the cycling track.
Insect: Upside down blowfly
Wisteria: Ornamental vine with pendant flowers that bloom in spring.
Initially created to motivate the development of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Fidget Toys are sensory toys that stimulate people's well-being, can temporarily relieve stress and also help with dexterity, concentration and entertainment
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