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child with two colorful toys, one of them in purple, calling the mother to play. criança com dois brinquedos coloridos, sendo um deles na cor roxo, chama a mãe para brincar.
Hey, are you there? Yeah, yourself! Want to play coloring with me? 😊😊 Ei, você aí? É, você mesmo! Quer brincar comigo de colorir ? 😊😊
Vintage Iron Clock
The Flowers of My Garden: Cactus
As águas do lago abraçam as cores do amor. The lake waters embrace the colors of love.
Arnica Tongue-de-Cow: Stem herb, with branched roots, of Brazilian origin. Arnica Língua-de-Vaca: Erva caule, com raízes ramificadas, de origem brasileira.
insect: ant
Spores on fern leaves.
Portrait of a boy in B&W with a grainy effect.
O Respeito pela Natureza! As raízes profundas desta senhora Arvore! Árvore Centenária! Conexão entre Homem e Natureza! Essas foram as respostas que encontrei ao fotografar esse mágico momento.
Selfie with infinite reflection
As combinaçoes de cores da magnífica Mãe Natureza!
Multiverse: Brick wall
Ant: Camponotus atriceps. Formiga: Camponotus atriceps.
Contemplating that bridge, I remembered this poem: "In these times of gray and leaden skies, we desperately need green trees." (Mario Quintana).
Child dressed as a character, to dance at the Junina party. During the June festivals in Brazil, typical dances are performed, such as the quadrilles.
Curls with several wisteria buds in bloom. Cachos com varios botões de Glicinia a desabrochar.
3-leaf clover in the shape of a heart with water drops. Trevo de 3 folhas em formato de coração com gotas d'água
Exercising is synonymous with a healthy body and mind. Se exercitar é sinônimo de corpo e mente saudáveis.
Impatiens walleriana: It is a plant from the balsaminaceae family, also known in Brazil by the names of beijinho, avenca, venca, vinca, beijo-turco, maria-sem-shame and known as “joy-do-lar”, in Portugal.
Wonders of Nature: Beautiful Cloud Formation in the Blue Sky. Maravilhas da Natureza: Linda formação de Nuvens no céu azul.
Kitchen utensils: Kit with 6 plug-in gauges, with the main measures used during the execution of recipes. Utensílios para cozinha: Kit com 6 medidores encaixáveis, com as principais medidas utilizadas durante a execução de receitas.
Macro Photo: Hand leaning on leaf with raindrops
Vintage Iron Clock
Boy lying on Purple Pilates Ball. Garoto deitado em Bola de Pilates de coração Roxo.
Pitaya: Exotic fruit, delicious and very attractive. The qualities of pitaya (or pitaya) are huge for health and, therefore, it has become a new fad in diets. With its strong color and sweet taste, the food is an inexhaustible source of nutrients.
"Estrada da Graciosa", Historic road located in the State of Paraná, Brazil. One of the most beautiful in the country as it crosses the Serra do Mar.
Leaf with rain drops. Folha com gotas de chuva.
Banana bunch.
Coffee in the countryside: Here the sun rises first, the wood goes to the fire, hot milk and homemade bread, with cassava dumplings, and provokes the whole sertão spreading that smell that comes out of the kettle's spout. (Guibson Medeiros)
Insect: Phytophagous bed bug, one that feeds on plants and measures from 3 to 7 millimeters Inseto: Percevejo Fitófago, aquele que se alimenta de plantas e mede de 3 a 7 milímetros
Coffee in the countryside: Here the sun rises first, the wood goes to the fire, hot milk and homemade bread, with cassava dumplings, and provokes the whole sertão spreading that smell that comes out of the kettle's spout. (Guibson Medeiros)
Multiverse: Multiplying child's play 😊
Macro Photo: Ant
Multiverse: B&W photo of a polyester fiber rug
"La Boca" neighborhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina Bairro "La Boca", Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Boston Red Sox are an American professional baseball team. Their stadium, Fenway Park, is the oldest operating stadium in Major League Baseball, founded in 1912.
Swing built in the neighborhood woods, by neighborhood families, for children to play outdoors and safely during the pandemic.
Begonia is a plant full of charms and with a huge diversity.
wonders of nature
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