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Green Glass electric insulator on my kitchen window sill
rain barrel overflowing on a rainy day
inside a courtyard looking towards the wooden gate door to go out into an alley. the courtyard was to an old adobe building built in the 1700s in Monterey, CA
watering my garden this morning I saw this little bee covered in pollen but he kept coming back fir more. I planted my garden for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.
After two days of rain a bright new moon begins to rise. I live in the country with no light pollution so a bright moon is very beautiful and illuminates the valley.
An old vintage Fird truck forever waits for an attendant to check under the hood. The attendant is actually a mannequin on display in a city landmark gas station placed in a history park.
a side entrance from an alley into the back courtyard of an old adobe mission style building in Monterey, Ca
Getting ready for Dia de Los Muertos. I started with crocheting one scarf and ended up with many in different colors and designs but all with skulls.
a window of many to an old government building in downtown Guadalajara. The windows are have wooden shutters on inside and outside have this beautiful iron scroll work.
a close up of my purple paisley shawl
we saw this weed growing alone around very dry brush. The bright green and purple top stood out. This is a close up of the purple top.
highlight of our holidays. a close up view of corn husks soaking in hotwater to later become tamales
what would you do if your office radio didnt work back in the old days. This vintage display of a train station of yesteryear. Vintage radio on a vintage file cabinet.
Along a path at the Sundial bridge park in redding, ca there is this metal sculpture of a spider sitting on an old tree stump
snow melting off my old tool shed
drivung down HWY 5 after a day of rain. sun setting behind the mountainswith the last rays of the sun shining and stretching across farm fields.
sunrise from front porch
The front view of a vintage car at a car show. Uncertain or the make or model but the color was a matte grey.
A vintage camera at the Niles Film Museum. The location of the Essanay Film Studio where many silent films were made including a few Chaplin films.
It was a sunny day when we started driving thru a small town in California. Then the storm clouds started rolling in.
a closer look at decorative iron work now abandoned and rusting
shopping in a town in Jalisco, Mex. among old colorful buildings
on the road . graffiti on silos.
in a corner of the Essanay Theater and museum in Niles, CA where Charlie Chaplin once worked.
what I consider one of the coolest cars because it is put together "from scratch" cars known as rats. The interior body panels are made up of old street signs
huhe eooden blocks to hold rigging on the deck of a rall sailing ship in Monterey, Ca
a view of twig and branches we had to trim in our yard. Piled high, the tangle of branches looked interesting
My dragon collection guarding the front door
This a more darker, black and white picture of a decaying family crypt in Santa Clara Mission Cemetery.
a close up view of fungus growing on an oak tree
a close up view of a baby blanket we are making fir my great niece.
a small well pump set up for kids to try in a history park. This section was a small recreated farmhouse with garden , chicken coop and of course the well and pump
an abandoned gravesite at Santa Clara Mision Cemetery.
California mission history reenactment
Inside history park in San Jose, CA. A row of houses each once occupied by famous local people brought from all over the city to this park and preserved for all to enjoy.
saw this box at a consignment store it was empty only the metal with "distant" and "local" on it indicates what it once was. it was no telephone box. Still a mystery.
celebrating Dia de Los Muertos building alters. This one on display is located at our local library.
wooden trunks on deck of a sailing ship meant to hold powder for the cannons in Monterey Bay
a color recreation of an old storeroom in an old adobe museum in a building built the 1700s in Monterey. CA
a close up of moss taken while taking two of my dogs for a walk.
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